Our goal is to make Bible study approachable in every season connecting you with the deep love and care of Christ.
Hope Blanton
Hope Blanton is wife to Ray, (professor of Communications at University of the Incarnate Word in San Antonio) and mother to Cana, Thea, and Nias. She has lived in multiple cities and has been involved in churches all over the country. Hope was trained as a clinical social worker, earning her Master’s Degree at Temple University. She has used her counseling skills as a social worker for at risk youth, postpartum moms, Women’s Ministry Equipper at Redeemer Presbyterian Church in Lincoln, Nebraska, and currently in her role as a Therapist at Kaleo Counseling in San Antonio, TX. She has taken her years of experience and applied it to the Biblical truths in these studies, writing questions to make us consider what each section of Scripture means for our hearts, minds, habits, fears, and relationships. She is a feeler, funny, organized, and endlessly asking questions to draw people out and make them feel known.
Chris Gordon
Christine (Chris) is married to Michael, Midwest Area Coordinator for RUF (Reformed University Fellowship) and mother to Elliot, Elsie, and Ezra. She received her Master’s degree in Theology from Covenant Seminary in St. Louis, Missouri. Chris currently works as a visiting instructor at Covenant Theological Seminary. She has been involved in women’s ministry and worship teams at multiple churches and loves to help women understand the Bible more deeply. Chris has the ability to explain deep biblical truths in an easy to understand way, leaving those who interact with her feeling seen and known by the Lord. She takes her love and ability to study the scriptures in-depth, with her range of life experiences, creating commentary that excavates deep biblical truths and impacts any heart. She is quirky, loves to dance, cannot multi-task to save her life, and regularly embarrasses her children.
Our Story
A few years ago, Hope started looking for materials for the women’s fall Bible study at her church. While she found a great number of quality Bible studies, she wanted to find one that was approachable for women in every season. Naive inspiration, Hope asked Chris if she would be willing to co-write a study on Romans, convincing her by asking, “I mean, really, how hard could it be?” And so it began. Weekly emails back and forth, Chris deep in commentaries, Hope mulling over questions, tweaking, editing, asking, pondering. A group of women at Redeemer Presbyterian Church in Lincoln, Nebraska patiently bore with them as they experimented weekly and learned to find their rhythm as writers.
Two years later, Hope approached Chris again, softening her up by telling her she could choose any book she wanted. I Samuel it was. Old Testament narrative is the best. Another study was born. About this time, women started asking for copies of the two studies they had written. While trying to send endless pdfs to people around the country via email, a pastor friend who happens to be a publisher approached Chris and Hope at a party, offering to publish their Bible studies. Suddenly, they had a way to get these into the hands of women who could use them. This had been the point of the whole enterprise – to help make these studies accessible to women in every season of life. But what would the name be?
During the 1st century, when Jesus walked the earth, a Jewish rabbi would have been surrounded by his students, with some of the men sitting at his feet to learn and listen. This was the custom, the understood norm of the day. But in Luke 10:39, Mary sat at the feet of Jesus. Mary, a woman, was taught by this unconventional rabbi. Mary was given the dignity of taking in his words, his pauses, his tone. She was as worthy of his teaching to Jesus as the men in the room, as are we, his women students today. And so we are At His Feet Bible Studies, hoping to sit at the feet of Jesus while we study his word.