Approachable Bible Studies for Women in Every Season
Yes, it is possible…
for you to study the Bible in a rich and meaningful way that connects with your head and heart no matter your season of life. At His Feet Studies are written to engage with women in different seasons of life and places in their own personal stories. Our hope is to connect you in a deep, intimate way to the Lord through the Scriptures showing how the gospel touches every facet of your heart and life.

Start by reading the Scripture passage.
The Observation Questions are designed to help the reader interact with the basic content of the chapter.
Each chapter has commentary written by seminary trained co-author Christine Gordon.
Answer the Reflection Questions designed to help the reader engage her heart with the text in a vulnerable way.
Newest Release: Colossians
Feeling bored with your Christian walk? Looking for a fuller spiritual experience? Believe it or not, what you need is more of Christ himself. The little book of Colossians is packed full of big truths that the Spirit can use to wake up a dull heart. Listen to Paul as he rehearses the beauty, power, and supremacy of Christ. Let the Spirit call you to a walk worthy of the beautiful Jesus, for whom and by whom all things were made.
What People Are Saying
“Whether you’re a new believer, college student, young mom, seasoned mentor, or Bible study leader, I can not recommend the At His Feet Studies highly enough! At His Feet Studies make deep and intentional Bible study approachable for women in various seasons of their walk with the Lord. This study on Luke guides the reader through observation, interpretation, and application in a helpful and accessible way, even for a mama of young children, like me! I find myself walking away with fresh insight and practical truths to apply to my daily life.”
— Hunter Beless, Host of Journeywomen Podcast
“With Luke: Part 2: A Study of Luke 9-16, Christine Gordon and Hope Blanton continue their work of crafting accessible, faithful Bible studies for women who want to deepen their understanding of God’s Word. Their careful commentary and helpful insights make the meaning of the Scripture clear for readers before moving them to personal application. If you’re looking for Bible studies that focus on the text, keep the main thing the main thing, and transform your thinking, you’ll find it in At His Feet Studies.”
— Hannah Anderson, Author of Humble Roots and All That’s Good
“I hear from young moms all the time who believe that in-depth Bible study isn’t an option for them because they are in an intense season with limited time and mental energy. This study is a gift to those women. Chris and Hope offer a gift wrapped twenty-minute daily experience that will leave women not only with a deeper knowledge of the book of Luke but more enthralled with the person of Jesus and more aware of how he is at work in, through, and around them. Chris and Hope offer a Christ-exalting resource that meets busy women where we are and allows us to see him as he is.”
— Abbey Wedgeworth, Author of Held: 31 Biblical Reflections on God's Comfort and Care in the Sorrow of Miscarriage